Episode 20:  Looking back and forward - The Road Ahead

As we've reached episode 20 of the Peace Love Moto podcast, well, I’m having a ball, I’m really enjoying this because folks who ride motorcycles and even those who don’t, tell me they like it.  Thank you for the positive feedback. I especially hope that you enjoy this 20th attempt to shed a positive and meaningful light on the sport that you and I love, riding motorcycles, spending time outside, and meeting strangers along the way.. 

Now with the podcast being streamed on several outlets including Apple podcasts, Google podcast, Audible, iHeart Radio and several others now, I want to first say thank you, then I thought it would be a good time to reflect back on those first 19 Episodes.

So if you’re ready, let’s get going!

It was one of the most interesting 20 minute conversations I’ve ever had.  Episode 1 was called “The poor man said “Nice bike!”.  I was on a solo ride along Route 66. I intended to  visit every town mentioned in that classic song “Get Your Kicks on Route 66”.   I had spent the night in Gallup, New Mexico. The next morning I stopped for breakfast. That's when I met the man whose life experience changed mine.

Episode 2 was based on a movie and a book. both seemingly very different, but in reality very much alike. it is a real place you know, Forrest Gump Point.  It's a very small spot in a very small Road in the middle of a very large Monument Valley. There is something very special about that place and the reason why Tom Hanks stopped running when he reached that point.  The book Ghost Rider was about the healing power of the open road. It was about getting lost and finding yourself at the same time.

Episode 3 is about the power of nature. It's about getting acquainted with Mother Nature. has a tour guide in Rocky Mountain National Park I have seen firsthand the power of mother nature. Having the opportunity to quote from a  song from  James Taylor has opened the eyes of many people as to who we are and what we're all about in relation to Creation.  We see all of this first hand don't we from the seat of a motorcycle.

Episode 4 took me back to my childhood. It was the movie On Any Sunday and that little mini bike that I got when I was 11 years old that set the trajectory for my life. There is a song by Sally Stevens in that movie. It's about the pure joy of riding a motorcycle.  Flying.

In Episode 5 we played a few mind games.   Is it possible to disappear? I believe that we proved yes you can.  The longer that we ride and the more miles that we cover confirms it.

Episode 6 is a detailed description of a motorcycle route that I love and have taken possibly hundreds of times.  I called it the “Peak to Perk” tour because it links my favorite mountain coffee shops.  Get it?  Peak to Perk!  Get it?  Ha ha

Episode 7 is special though. Admittingly it was painful to record.   I had badly injured my right hand in an accident here at home. That's whenI learned that I would have to be off of the motorcycle for several months. It was crushing. But it was still a joy to share my appreciation for those who stepped up to take care of me physically and mentally, especially my wife Karen. I love you so much honey.

Episode 8 was on two widely different topics. I sometimes question why I combined them but I decided to go for it. I shared the story of meeting a stranger on the road and the completely shocking thing he told me about what had happened to him just two weeks before.  Another subject was George Harrison of The Beatles. George's song “GIve me Love”  where he said “give me love, give me peace on earth”. That closely matched the name of this podcast that I felt compelled to include it and I'm so glad that I did. He mentions in the song " give me hope, help me cope with this heavy load”.   That's what I was feeling at the time after learning that I would not be able to ride for several months due to the injury to my hand.

Episode 9 was focused on the global fundraiser called the Distinguished Gentleman's Ride and a song by the singer Glen campbell.  I said “Glen Campbell sang "You've got to try a little kindness, just shine your light for everyone to see".  How can we show others our light through kindness from the saddle?”   A few episodes later I interviewed the founder of the Distinguished Gentleman's Ride, Mark Hawwa.  Fast forward a couple of months and that's exactly what we did.  I was the Host of the Fort Collins DGR and around the world, men and women on motorcycles shined a light across the whole world from the seat of a motorcycle.

I called Episode 10 "Motorcycle Risk Management” Reflecting on the Long Way series produced by actors Ewan McGregor and Charley Boorman.  What we do, riding motorcycles, is indeed a risk,  but the message here was clear. There is risk involved in most everything that we do from day to day.  Managing risk is possible and as motorcycle riders, we certainly know the rewards.

Episode 11 was especially exciting. I interviewed the editor and chief of RoadRunner Motorcycle Touring and Travel magazine.  Florian Neuhauser is indeed a gentleman and such a pleasure to talk with.  He shared with me and the listeners the joys and challenges of maintaining the highest level of quality in a motorcycling publication. I am a long time subscriber and can tell you first hand that this is a good publication.  It is a pleasure to read.

Episode 12 is one that I called "Close Calls".  I shared a real life route with a made up near miss accident.  I think it's one of the more emotion-filled podcasts thus far.

In Episode 13,  I reflected back again to Ewan McGregor and Charley Boorman and their travels with the focus on their inspiration who is Ted Simon.  Ted traveled by motorcycle around the world in his 40’s and again in his 70’s.  It's called the unexpected because it's about the importance of looking forward and not so much looking back. While many of us had wonderful experiences in years past they were also challenges that we would not want to repeat. So living in the here and now and looking forward down the road to the mysterious future is really where we ought to be.

Episode 14 was very special. I interviewed my very good friend in riding buddy Martin Bates. This was just a casual conversation across my kitchen table. Martin is a very good rider and a very good friend.   As of this recording Martin and his wife Janie are out supporting the First National People in the Pacific Northwest.

Episodes 15 and 16 are the two part interview with my hero, Mark Hawwa, the founder of the Distinguished Gentleman's Ride.  Many people in this world have a kind heart, while others are gifted with great ideas. One man was fortunate enough to have both, and a global social movement was born.

Episode 17 was a time to pause and reflect on how very very lucky we are. I called it “The Gift in the Garage ".  What does the movie “Lawrence of Arabia” have to do with all of this? Well you'll just have to listen and find out.

Episode 18 was about the value of working with your hands and doing your own maintenance to some extent on your bike. It was based on the book called “Shop Class as SoulCraft”. 

Then finally in episode 19 we celebrated the Fort Collins Colorado Distinguished Gentleman's ride.  I was so blessed to have had the opportunity to host the event.   Even though I was unable to ride due to my hand injury, it was such a joy to be with ladies and gentlemen of a common heart. Those who cared about others and also happened to ride a motorcycle. I'm so grateful to my wife and son for their support for this event.

So here we are at Episode 20.  We have reviewed the past but we don't know what is in the future. And that's okay.   The news I received this week from my physical therapist is that the odds are good that I'll be able to ride again at the end of the month. Yes at the end of this month!  I'm excited beyond belief.  

Thank you for traveling along with me on this journey these past many weeks. I wish you peace, I wish you love.