Windows of Opportunity - Not to be Missed

EP 53: Motorcycling to your Oasis

Wherever you are right now, whatever you’re doing, I encourage you to stop.  Take in a deep breath, relax and listen.  A quote from Ben Giese.  

I’ve been traveling a lot lately.  Flying each week for work.  Yeah it’s a pain sometimes, but I’m trying to make the most of it.  I’m beginning to get used to it.

At the airport, I’m always hearing the announcement from gate agents, I’ll bet you’ve heard it too.  Something like “For those with tickets for Flight 417, your plane is now boarding.  Please proceed to the boarding area now as once the doors are closed, they will not reopen.”  In other words, if you’ve missed your opportunity, well, you’ve missed it.

It reminds me of how we plan our motorcycle rides, plan our vacations, plan our retirement, …plan for doing something nice for someone else.  Good intentions, but unless we really do what we plan to do, the opportunity is lost.  That opportunity could be lost forever.  We don’t know.  And given that time never goes in reverse, that window of opportunity closes and it too, may never reopen.

Yeah, we call those “Windows of Opportunity”.  We assume that there'll always be time for this or that.  Until there is no time left.  Whether it’s planning our next motorcycle journeys or sharing a coffee with an old friend, in today’s episode, let’s share some ideas for making every Window of Opportunity count.  Thank you for joining me today!

I must admit, I’m enjoying any opportunity to talk with a stranger.  I take Uber, a lot.  Lost track of how many Uber rides I’ve taken to and from the airport.  Many times, I’ve had the chance to learn a little bit about my drivers' life.  Another reminder of how genuinely nice so many people are in this world.  When I arrive at the airport terminal, if I have time and if it feels right, I will buy the coffee for whomever is behind me in line at the Starbucks line.  It always brings a smile and usually a conversation.  

At the airport, I’m always hearing the announcement from gate agents, I’ll bet you’ve heard it too.  Something like “For those with tickets for Flight 417, your plane is now boarding.  Please proceed to the boarding area now as once the doors are closed, they will not reopen.”  In other words, if you’ve missed your opportunity, well, you’ve missed it.

It reminds me of how we plan our motorcycle rides, plan our vacations, plan our retirement, …plan for doing something nice for someone else.  Good intentions, but unless we really do what we plan to do, the opportunity is lost.  That opportunity could be lost forever.  We don’t know.  And given that time never goes in reverse, that window of opportunity closes and it too, may never reopen.

Yeah, we call those “Windows of Opportunity”.  We assume that there'll always be time for this or that.  Until there is no time left.  Whether it’s planning our next motorcycle journeys or sharing a coffee with an old friend, in today’s episode, let’s share some ideas for making every Window of Opportunity count.  Thank you for joining me today!


Spring has finally arrived here on the front range of Colorado.  

Expressing kindness to others is a powerful way to make a positive impact on the world. Here are some ways we can take every opportunity to do so:

By taking every opportunity to express kindness to others, we can create a more compassionate and harmonious world.